
Secondary School


Idea from teacher:

Learning and relationship building space

The area is just ready during this summer time. We have the Ideapaint wall with magnetic primer and placed some table and chair sets on the artificial grass lawn. My idea for providing this space for relationship building between our teachers and students. It can be a venue of mini workshop or open classroom. We could use this space for non-academic communication during the recess or after-school.



這空間剛在這個暑假完成工程。 我們增設了有磁性底漆的Ideapaint白板牆,並在新鋪的人造草坪上放置了一些桌子和椅子。 我的想法是提供讓老師和學生之間增進學習與交流的空間。 設施可以方便師生在課餘時間或放學後使用此空間進行非學術交流。或是作為舉行迷你工作坊及開放教室的地方。