Hong Chi School
Fun games between classes The school provides comprehensive education for student with intellectual disabilities. The teachers always design difference learning activities to help student develop their potential. They ask us for providing Ideapaint walls with magnetic primers in corridors. The students could draw and paly on the wall during their recess. It is good to train the student by playing game to improve their thinking, concentration and learning to get along with others. It’s better to stand up and doodling than just sitting down and waiting for next lesson. The Ideapaint wall is also very durable. The student use it every day in these 2 years and they didn’t not damaged the function of the whiteboard wall yet. 課間有趣小遊戲 學校為智障學童提供全面教育,老師透過適切的學習活動,幫助他們充分發展潛能。 老師細心為學生增添走廊有磁性底漆的Ideapaint白板牆,讓他們在課餘時間玩。透過遊戲訓練學生的大腦思考、專注力和學習與人相處。課餘間站起來動動腦,總比坐著好。而白板牆亦十分耐用,多活潑的學生天天使用都沒有損壞白板牆的功能。